
30 June 2018


Texas Horticulture Organization

Technology Used:

React, GraphQL, and Apollo


22 weeks (110 Days; 550 Hours)

Design Concept

Texas Wildlife and Rehab Center was like most non-profit organizations websites before it, built using HTML Tables, slow to refresh and process data, Grey / Light brownish theme.. You get the idea. After recieving numerous customer requests for features Texas Wildlife and Rehab came to Alesti Systems looking for a complete revamp of their current site.

After taking some time to take a good look through what we wanted to do for the project we came to the solution that the only salvagable part of their site would be the copy within the paragraphs. Never the less! We got to work and over the course of twenty two weeks we were able piece together the current site that is Texas Wildlife and Rehab Center. Complete with online appointments, online reservations, real time customer chat and more!